Thursday, April 14, 2011

Butterflies, Ladybugs and Counting by Two

We were admiring our awesome work that we hung out in the hallway. These brilliant kindergarteners were very proud of their healthy plates and teeth care display. I thought it would be a great idea to post the rest of our art work that we have done over the past two weeks.

1. We discovered so much while learning about the butterfly life cycle! Students talked about the symmetry that they noticed in butterfly wings. We worked with symmetry and created butterflies using coffee filters and markers. Students created a design and we sprayed them with a water bottle to create real butterfly symmetry in the wings! Then students drew a picture of a butterfly's environment. They did an amazing job and to celebrate their hard work we took a field trip to the Butterfly House at the Life and Science Museum!

2. We also talked about the ladybug life cycle. While creating our two-spotted ladybugs we discovered that we could count the ladybugs one by one and count the ladybug spots by two. Students really enjoyed counting "2, 4, 6, 8, 10..." Students are really excited about finding a new way to count numbers! We also learned about growing patters. Students created their own two-spotted ladybug. We made a huge poster "Ladybug: A Growing Pattern." It turned out so fantastic that we posted it in the hallway so other students at Club could explore these concepts as well.

We are so excited about all the amazing things we have been learning and we are waiting for the chance to share our knowledge with everyone we know!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Taking Care of Our Bodies

On Monday we learned how to take care of our bodies by eating healthy food. Here are some things we discovered:

Eat healthy food so your teeth don't fall out! -Myles
We eat fruits and vegetables to keep your body healthy. -Zoe
On your (Miss Hurley) birthday we ate healthy food because you (Miss Hurley) like healthy food. -Kodiak
If you eat vegetables and fruit that is taking care of your body. -Malkiyah
Don't eat bad food. -Levi
If you eat healthy food, you might get stronger! -Axel
Grains are like bread. They are good. -Audrey
Chicken is good for you. It has nutrients in it. -Nicholas

We will be working on taking care of our bodies and our minds this week. We created healthy plates of food and made a list of foods based on our healthy plates. We also created our own teeth where we drew things that were important in tooth care- brushing twice a day, flossing, eating good food and visiting the dentist! We would love for you all to share your favorite nutritious foods with us and healthy activities that you enjoy :)

Here are some pictures of our work:

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Our Favorite Spots in the Classroom

This morning during our Morning Meeting we began to think about our favorite spots in the classroom. This afternoon, we took a vote to see what our favorite spots were. We had two ties for third and fourth place! Here are our results:

#1 Favorite Spot: Sunflower Plants

We have been learning about the life cycle of plants. We planted sunflower seeds so we could watch seeds grow. It has been an awesome experience. We have recorded observations in our Sunflower Science Books. Unfortunately we were not able to successfully build a garden in the ground outside our classroom. However, the boys and girls are very excited to take their sunflowers home on Friday before Spring Break! If you have any questions about how to keep the sunflowers growing feel free to leave your question on this blog or send me an e-mail! P.S.- The sunflowers can grow up to TEN FEET TALL!!


#2 Favorite Spot: Caterpillar Cave

While learning about life cycles we talked about butterflies. Mrs. Goff's daughters built a tent which we now call The Caterpillar Cave. When students finish their work early they take turns reading quietly in the Caterpillar Cave. It is very exciting and the students LOVE it!!

#3 Favorite Spot: Writing table and Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Board

We read Chicka Chicka Boom Boom at the beginning of the year. During Literacy Centers students "write the room." The students love to write their classmates' names and this board really helps! The Writing Table is used for students to work on vocabulary and free write during Exploration Stations. Hanging above the Writing Table is our Wonderful Work Board where we post awesome student work!

#4 Favorite Spot: Word Wall and cubbies

The Word Wall is brilliant! Students always refer to the Word Wall throughout the day. It is a great tool to have in our classroom. During writing it has been really awesome to see students help each other spell by pointing out specific word wall words that other students are trying to include in their stories. It has been a great addition to the classroom. Tied for fourth place is our cubbies. Each student has their own cubby where they keep their belongings such as their book bag, coats and other personal items.

#5 Favorite Spot: Cooking

Cooking is one of the students' favorite Exploration Stations! It is a great spot in the classroom because students are being exposed to different foods and food groups. Students are exploring creating meals, writing out ingredients and working together.They are also able to explore acting out scenarios which is critical to students' personal and emotional growth :)

What is your favorite spot that you see in our classroom?!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Keeping Loved Ones In The Loop

Family and Friends,
My name is Miss Hurley. I am a student teacher in Mrs. Goff's Kindergarten classroom at Club Boulevard Elementary School. I am so excited to be working at Club Boulevard and feel so fortunate to be a part of Mrs. Goff's class this year. I created this blog because  I wanted to give family and friends an opportunity to get a sneak peak into our classroom and check out what we are learning. We will be posting pictures of special places in our classroom, super star student work and fun facts that we want to share with all of you.We will be taking time at the beginning and end of each week to check our blog, read comments and respond. Enjoy!

Miss Hurley and Club's Brilliant Kindergarteners