On Monday we learned how to take care of our bodies by eating healthy food. Here are some things we discovered:
Eat healthy food so your teeth don't fall out! -Myles
We eat fruits and vegetables to keep your body healthy. -Zoe
On your (Miss Hurley) birthday we ate healthy food because you (Miss Hurley) like healthy food. -Kodiak
If you eat vegetables and fruit that is taking care of your body. -Malkiyah
Don't eat bad food. -Levi
If you eat healthy food, you might get stronger! -Axel
Grains are like bread. They are good. -Audrey
Chicken is good for you. It has nutrients in it. -Nicholas
We will be working on taking care of our bodies and our minds this week. We created healthy plates of food and made a list of foods based on our healthy plates. We also created our own teeth where we drew things that were important in tooth care- brushing twice a day, flossing, eating good food and visiting the dentist! We would love for you all to share your favorite nutritious foods with us and healthy activities that you enjoy :)
Here are some pictures of our work:
Our favorite healthy food is salad - Audrey